Lovelace: Dark Sky (Yweather discontinued) - How can I modify the inbformation?


I have been using the yweather since I started on Home Assistant, but unfortunately this API has been discontinued. I can no longer get my weather through that service.

So I added the Dark Sky component and it seems to work. The only thing I’m not happy about is the way it is shown in the built-in weather card. Instead of showing me a forecast for the next 5 days or so, then it shows me the forecast on a hour basis. Can I somehow change that?

Here is what it looks like (which also gives me an awfull long scroll popup. I really like the old setup with yweather that showed me the forecast of the next 5 days.

Is that possible?

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Change the mode option to daily

Wow! I’m really that blind!
Sorry about that, but thanks for the quick repsonse :smile:

So I tried changing it and it works :slight_smile:.
One question though - do you know why it shows the β€˜00’ behind the days and why it shows today as β€˜00’ and the next saturday also shows β€˜00’?

No! Maybe the time?

A good guess… Do you use it yourself?