Lovelace Fold Entity Row

Just installed the lovelace custom fold-entity-row card by @thomasloven and was wondering how to change the Header Font Color from Blue to Black. Also the background appears transparent anyway to change that to match the rest of the screen?

Using Hassbian 0.89.1 with default color theme

OK making progress, was able to remove the transparent background after realizing fold-entity-row is a ROW and not a CARD. So made it part of an entity card and no more transparent background.

I’ve tried adding style as part of my configuration to change the font color but not having any luck. Can I use the style parameter on the entities card?

No, but you can card-mod it.

thomas, thank you for your response. Soon I will be using all your great plugins!

Is it possible to add

  • tap_action:
    action: more-info

for the entities or groups somehow?
For example if you want to show the additional popup for lamp color change.


hi there, i’ve added the card mod and looked at some of the latest examples, but i’m not sure which particular attribute to change color.

doesn’t look like this does anything. i have tried other things like font size and it does adjust, but the text color of the row does not

      # Family Room Lights #
      - type: entities
        style: |
          ha-card {
            color: white;
          - type: custom:fold-entity-row
              type: section
              label: Family Room Lights
            #show_header_toggle: false
              - break_slider: true
                entity: light.family_room_dimmers
                icon: 'mdi:floor-lamp'
                secondary_info: last-changed
                type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'

Yeah… that five months old comment relates to card-modder rather than card-mod.
Modding entity rows is the only reason I still keep it around.