My frontend Lovelace seems to be very laggy, and at times, it just doesn’t work…meaning I cant interact with any entities.
For example a light card, I cant toggle the light on or off from the main lovelace view, but if click the 3 dots overflow menu, and toggle the light from there it works.
Same problem with switches, and sensors do not seem to update ‘real time’
If I refresh lovelace, I can maybe use it ‘normally’ once, but then back to the same problem(s)
I can see nothing obvious in log file apart from this:
My setup is really not very complicated, and I don’t have much hardware…just some mi-light bulbs and a couple of nodemcu sensors running tasmota, and a couple of sonoffs flashed with tasmota.
No, I have no button cards displayed.
I do have it listed in my resources though
Frontend JavaScript is set to latest
Just updated some custom cards…
2019-02-25 11:43:59 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.es5.201902200] http://hassbian.local:8123/lovelace/5:0:0 Uncaught
2019-02-25 11:43:59 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.es5.201902200] http://hassbian.local:8123/local/tracker-card.js?v=1.2.5:1:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'TrackerCard' has already been declared
2019-02-25 11:43:59 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.es5.201902200] http://hassbian.local:8123/local/card-tools.js?v=deb8e3:1:16 Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': this name has already been used with this registry
2019-02-25 11:44:00 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.es5.201902200] http://hassbian.local:8123/lovelace/5:0:0 Uncaught
All resources upto date, cache cleared, and OS updated.
Still problem persists.
I’ll try another reboot of the pi…ya never know… although this will be the umpteenth boot
What browser? Chrome? Also, do you have that question mark at the end of the resource? Some browsers won’t update without it (Well, they will, it’s just a pain sometimes).
- url: /local/custom_ui/weather-card.js?
type: js
EDIT: Like the iOS app for example. Without that ?, it takes an act of god to get it to use the new version of a card if you replace it.
I detected some issue with light card after 86.4 (this work very good!), sometime if we push at different lights the component don’t responsive and the light not change the state… this issue I detected with 87.0 version and now with 88.0 version…
If we push in the center of the bulbs my lights don’t work!!, but if we push in a top, bottom, or in some corners of the lights now its right!! and the light change correctly.
It seems there may be some truth to this.
If you are referring to the entity card in the lovelace frontend…I have noticed that there does indeed appear to be different areas of the bulb image registering touches.
So if I touch the top of the image, works OK, if I touch the centre not so much.
Is this one for a bug report perhaps?
It’s hard to explain…if I click right at the top of the bulb icon, it will toggle, if I click at the centre it does not.
I’ll attempt to capture this later when I’m home
I think the icon is capturing the click event, which can happen in UI’s. So instead of the click event getting registered to the card (and firing the correct action), it’s getting registered to the icon (which does not have a callback to do anything).