Lovelace Picture card not updating image form file/url

I was hoping the picture card would refresh it’s content, and read the images when opening the card, but unfortunately this I not my experience.

How do I get the latest image version (of the same file) to show in Lovelace?

The image is stored at the location below. A new snapshot is taken when PIR is triggered, replacing the previous image.
This is my card, and I can verify the image is updated at file level, but not so in Lovelace, even after restarting the app, or when reloading page from server (updating cache) in browser.

  action: none
  action: none
type: picture
image: ''

I was trying to do this also and found the best to do this is to create a “local” camera and add this identity in the Picture card.

- platform: local_file
  name: SnapShot
  file_path: /config/www/amazon-rekognition/rekognition_person_front_door_latest.jpg

… and in Lovelace, how is your code?

Did you solve it?