Lovelace Picture card running a script

I used to have the following code in my ui-lovelace file, so when I tap the picture, the script starts to play some radio station on a media player:

  - type: picture
    image: /local/img/radio.png
    service: script.play_radio

But after the upgrade from some older version (0.7x.x) to the latest version, this no longer works - the picture card is no longer clickable. I tried to change the card to:

  - type: picture
    image: /local/img/radio.png
      action: call_service
      service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.play_radio

… and now the picture is clickable, but the script doesn’t run. What am I doing wrong?

  - type: picture
    image: /local/img/radio.png
      action: call-service
      service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.play_radio

call service should have a minus sign (-) not an underscore (_)

see docs:

Thanks for the answer. Also figured, that my scrpt wasn’t running properly, because i was using a custom component ‘variable’ to retrieve radio station name, but after the upgrade this component is not working.

I’m not sure why they didn’t use underscores for the action section anyways. It trips up just about everyone