Lovelace Updated time incorrect

I have a custom card as shown, I have a Xiaomi Mijia (LYWSD03MMC) sensor, I have put custom firmware on the device (GitHub - pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer: Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter). When this advertises via BLE it sends out both the temperature and humidity. As both are sent out together I would expect the last updated time to be the same for both temperature and humidity this is not the case.

Any ideas why this is? and how to fix.

          - entity: sensor.henry_s_room_humidity
            secondary_info: last-updated
          - entity: sensor.henry_s_room_temperature
            secondary_info: last-updated
          - entity: sensor.living_room_humidity
            secondary_info: last-updated
          - entity: sensor.living_room_temperature
            secondary_info: last-updated
          - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_humidity
            secondary_info: last-updated
          - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_temperature
            secondary_info: last-updated

Because the state value has not changed:

Time the state was written to the state machine in UTC time. Note that writing the exact same state including attributes will not result in this field being updated.
State objects - Home Assistant

How do I get the last update of the sensor?

I’ve tried

          - entity: sensor.henry_s_room_humidity
            secondary_info: states.sensor[henry_s_room_humidity].last_updated
          - entity: sensor.henry_s_room_temperature
            secondary_info: states.sensor.henry_s_room_temperature.last_updated

As you did in your first post. However you are misunderstanding what the last_updated timestamp actually shows.

It only updates when the state value changes (or one of the attributes).

Where as last_changed only updates when the state value changes (but this one ignores attribute changes).

In both cases the timestamp only changes when the state value changes.

There are no properties of an entity that change when the same value is written to the state.