I’ve been using HA for a couple of years but am certainly no expert, however I thought I’d got conversant with the basics of Lovelace Views - Wrong. Something is seriously wrong with my views.
I had a view called Summary which comprised a lot of badges, graphs and so on. Another of my several views is called EV for electric car stuff.
The EV view suddenly became a clone of the Summary view a few weeks ago - lost its own content and displayed identical to Summary.
Today I foolishly attempted to delete the EV view and it has erased the Summary view entirely yet left the EV view, albeit empty.
I’ve added a new view called Summary and now anything I put in that view is replicated on EV.
Interestingly Summary can be moved left or right as normal using the arrows. EV arrows cause the Summary view to move whilst the EV view stays put.
Seems like some sort of corruption to me but how do I sort it out?