Hello, folks!
I cracked open my magichome rgbww 7w light hoping to flash it with esphome or whatever, but found no rx pin or io0 pin on the pcb. There is a strange esp8285 module named esp-m5 v1.0. I wonder if anyone can hel me determine pinout on the module itself so i could flash it correctly?
I too have the same bulb. On the opposite side of the large board are the +3.3v and GND connection points. There is also a point marked TX on the back of the small board, but I have yet to work out RC or GPIO 0.
The 3.3v and GND definitely work, as when I power it using those, the wifi access point shows up.
I tried the connection point near TX as RX, but I’m not sure it is, and as I don’t know which one is GPIO0 I can’t be sure it’s going into flash mode either.
I have the same one here, any news on this ? Perhaps we can get it together?
What I found so far is:
Pins on the left oft the Module from Top to bottom: TOUT, GPIO17, MTCK, MTDO, 3V3
Pins on the Right side: Tx, Rx, GPIO5, GPIO4, ANT, GND
Gpio4 is DAT, GPIO5 is CLK on the Pin Header To the led pcb, where they are connected to the SM2135EH , a LED controler.
Gpio0 is nowhere on the module Pins, so I doubt that I am able to get the esp to flash mode.
The datasheet of the led controler is in, I guess chinese.