Make Alarmo Notifications more noticable

I have gotten HA setup with Alarmo and it works well. As part of setting up I made an Action on Alarm Triggered to send a notification to my phone.

I get the notifications on my phone and can read them, but if I click on them it takes me to my HA app and I don’t see anyplace to read them within the app (as in the Notifications). They just disappear.

I think it would be useful if the notifications could be stored in the HA app somewhere (Notifications?) to be read and keep some to use for debugging etc. Is this possible?

Also I have an Android phone and would like to make the notifications VERY noticeable as soon as they come in. I have the Notification setting for this set to Vibrate, flash LED and the loudest sound I can get but I can still miss them. I saw a thread on Notifications for iPhones and it looks like you can include an image so that it is right in your face when you look on the phone. Can this be done with Android?

Thanks to all the developers! HA is amazing and the Community forum is excellent.

I use Pushover for notifications. Keeps them in the Pushover app for months. I believe you can also attach and image to the messages.

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You can see a history of notifications on the app. Go to Settings - Companion App - Notification History.

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Perfect! Thank you

If anyone knows how to make the notification more noticeable on Android Phone (with image?) to start with, would love to hear about it.

This is a third party integration. feature requests are for core functionality only.

Please take your request up with the developer of the integration.