Make scene icon "active"


When using the scene widget, the icon_style_active only activates for a few seconds before deactivating. I know this is per design, but is there any way to have the active scene icon visible at all time? A perfect solution for me would be to have any active scene icon show as activated, and if I either select another scene for that light group or I dim the light, the active scene icon would deactivate.

Thanks :slight_smile:

the only way to adchieve what you want is to use input booleans/input_selects and automations or apps.


  • create an input_select with all possible scenes
  • create an app or automation that uses that input_select as trigger to activate the scenes
  • use an icon widget to show the input_select
  • to make sure that the scenes dont get activated any other way hide them and/or create automations or apps to set the input_select when a scene gets activated.
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Lovely. I was thinking something like that would be the solution. I will test this.

Thank you!

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