I use the assist and ollama integration for other things than automation my house.
I have one special HA instance connected to asterisk for callscreening in my voicemail. (Something terrible went wrong with a family member) and my phone will ring from a unknown number at 04:00 in the morning.
I also use llm to make text messages when im riding my bike.
And other llm interfaces like my washing maschine socials.
You can also make an special ai for an young kiddo. (Talking to a bot is better edication than swiping on a screen if you ask me)
Please give the ollama agent (or any llm) an option not to send any home assistant info at all.
make automation voice intents(triggering on a sentence) optionaly limited to a special agent. So that you can do what ever when ever.
I think both are quickly to implement.