Maps unusable in dark mode

I see this has been raised before

But the map really is unusable when the app is in dark mode

I came across Reddit - homeassistant - better maps in dark mode
Which kind of works - the map becomes usable.but you loose the feature where it hides devices that are at home.

I guess at some level the map card is the same as the default one? Is it possible to turn off dark mode for the map (just like you can when adding it as a card) ?


I see this leads to a closed bug report then onto another closed bug report - is there any possibility of a system-wide fix because the workaround on Reddit does not fix the map within HA itself e.g. location/zone settings in Configuration.

Did you find any solution to this?
I like the dark mode on my HA but i need the built-in map to be light-mode. Can’s se squat on the map in dark mode when I’m outside in daylight.

you can modify the brightness if it’s just too dark. You need card_mod installed

  style: |
    ha-card {
      filter: brightness(1.5); /* Increase overall brightness */

you can also use a contrast filter

      filter: contrast(0.8);

or both

      filter: brightness(1.5) contrast(0.8);