Markdown card problem

Hi, I have a problem I cannot show state of sensors in on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - I have another install on Unraid in Docker and it is working correctly. ANy ideas? on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Not sure where you got that format for showing sensor values from but it is not correct. If you had posted your code instead of a screenshot I could have cut/paste and corrected it for you.

Code attached - I was using this format previously and it was working.

STAN POWIETRZA -  [[ sensor.looko2_ijpstring ]]

Stężenie PM 10 na poziomie [[ sensor.looko2_pm10 ]] µg/m³. Temperatura na zewnątrz  [[ sensor.looko2_temperature ]] °C.

[[ sensor.looko2_ijpdescription ]]

Pretty sure it has always been this format:

STAN POWIETRZA -  {{ states('sensor.looko2_ijpstring') }}

Stężenie PM 10 na poziomie {{ states('sensor.looko2_pm10') }} µg/m³. Temperatura na zewnątrz  {{ states('sensor.looko2_temperature') }} °C.

{{ states('sensor.looko2_ijpdescription') }}
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Thank You so much now it works. It is strange that previous one was working in Docker on Unraid. NVm thank Yo again

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