Markdown empty show no card

I have many Markdown cards with some code. Now I have the problem that if the code is empty at the end, a small box is still displayed.

Is it possible that if the code is empty at the end (all If queries are false), then no box will be displayed?

For example I have this Code:

type: markdown
content: >-

  {% set x = expand( 'media_player.wohnzimmer',  'media_player.schlafzimmer', 
  'media_player.bad',  'media_player.buro',  'media_player.kuche',

     | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'playing')
     | map(attribute='name') | list %}
  {{  '***

  # Audio'  if x | length > 0 else '' }}

  {% if is_state('media_player.wohnzimmer', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> OG Wohnzimmer {%
  else %}{% endif %}

  {% if is_state('media_player.schlafzimmer', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> OG Schlafzimmer
  {% else %}{% endif %}

  {% if is_state('media_player.bad', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> OG Bad {% else
  %}{% endif %}

  {% if is_state('media_player.buro', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> OG Büro {% else
  %}{% endif %}

  {% if is_state('media_player.kuche', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> EG Küche {% else
  %}{% endif %}

  {% if is_state('media_player.buro_2', 'playing') %} ## <font
  color="#ff7c00"><ha-icon icon="mdi:speaker"></ha-icon></font> EG Büro {% else
  %}{% endif %}

Wrap it inside a conditional card?

how do I do that?

no one a tip?