Mass delete all devices in TasmoAdmin

As the title describes I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to delete ALL you entries in TasmoAdmin in 1 go.
I’ve recently reassigned static IP addresses to all of my smart devices of which I have many and it took me a while to delete 1 entry at a time from my discovered devices list in TasmoAdmin
Most things nowadays give you an option to “Select All” when deleting items but I’m un-aware of 1 in TasmoAdmin GUI

Why cant you uninstall the tasmoadmin and reinstall it? It should remove all the devices in it.

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Yep that would be 1 possible solution but I just thought my suggestion / question was is it there but I’m missing it or if it is not a feature than it could be worth having

Actually I just found out this was raised as an issue and there is an option (not very user friendly though): No way to mass delete all devices · Issue #212 · reloxx13/TasmoAdmin · GitHub

This is the command: http://192.168.x.x:9541/?clean=devices