Max31865 esp8266

Hi I need help I would like to run 4pcs temperature sensors PT100 two-wire sensors are mounted in such a way that they can not be replaced with another sensor
For this purpose I bought 4pcs of MAX31865 boards
I would like to run these 4x PT100 sensors using MAX31865 and ESP8266 NodeMcu V3 CH340 in ESPHome program
I would like to run in the program ESPHome because I met him generally I’m a beginner when it comes to HA

So. What is the question?

It should work, as long as each device has a unique address.
Are they going to be in parallel or daisy-chained?
SPI devices are, by the way, five wire:

  • CLK
  • MOSI
  • MISO
  • Gnd
  • 3V3

CLK - D2
Gnd - Gnd

2/3 WIRE together solder, ie jumper 2 Wire together solder, ie jumper

Total gibberish.
Please draw a schematic.

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