I’ve configured the maxcube binding according to the docs and it’s working correctly: I see my window sensors and I can control my 2 wall thermostats in the climate widget.
However, I have a lot of rooms where there are no wall thermostats, only radiator thermostats. The wall thermostats are nice for rooms with multiple radiators, but for smaller rooms with just one radiator, they are overkill imho. The radiator thermostats are enough and it’s working correctly in the MAX! web UI.
My question is: How do I get my rooms that have no wall thermostat (but radiator thermostats) to show up in the climate widget so I can control them?
As it turns out, the other heater thermostats show up by themselves after some time. It seems that it’s related to the thermostats being (physically, using their hardware buttons) switched between manual/auto, but I haven’t debugged thoroughly.
So, if you’re missing thermostats, just play around them physically, and they should show up after some time
Have you got any screenshots of the controls or info on the capabilities of linking HA with the eQ-3 system? I’m contemplating getting it but am unsure just how integrated it is with HA.
To be honest, I am not super happy with eQ-3 MAX!, because:
Window sensor status changes take about 1-2 minutes to show up in HA.
Propagating updates to the thermostats doesn’t work reliably. My automation now pushes out target temperatures to all thermostats every three hours which works around this but it isn’t ideal.
None of the above is HA’s fault though, it’s the eQ-3 system.
you mean that if you do it one time, with automation, you can’t be sure its working, so you repeat the automation every 3 hours?
Can you show me your automation?
My goal is pretty simple:
I have 2 zones: day zone and night zone (in upper floor where we go only at night), so basically during day the night zone valves should be put at lower temperature, and back at higher temperature during night time.
Part of the day zone should be put to lower temperatuyre at night