Maxi Media Player

The button card is invisible and sits on top of the media interface, so that when you click/tap it, it opens the interface with controls. Without it, nothing will happen.

i got this so far

          mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-header$ mxmp-progress$: |
            .progress {
              display: none !important;
              visibility: hidden;
          mxmp-player$: |
            .artwork {
              display: none;
            .controls {
              display: none; 
            mxmp-player-header {
              background-color: transparant !important;
          mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-controls$: |
            mxmp-volume {
              display: none;

However the background is white and i want it transparant.

Is it also possible to have the black text in white and the titel/artis in blue but neon light
if not, all text in blue neon?

You have the background-color in the wrong section, something like below should work:

    .: |
      ha-card {
        background-colour: transparent;

Example 19 should get you close to changing the text color.

i tried for this card mod

              mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-header$: |
                .entity {
                  display: none;
                .song {
                  font-color: rgb(107, 235, 243)
              mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-header$ mxmp-progress$: |
                .progress {
                  display: none !important;
                  visibility: hidden;
              mxmp-player$: |
                .artwork {
                  display: none;
                .controls {
                  display: none; 
              mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-controls$: |
                mxmp-volume {
                  display: none;
              .: |
                ha-card {            
                  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;

Still only title is blue, rest of the info is not

Just found this card in it looks really nice. I am right now trying it out with my own integration for Samsung multi room speakers and works like a charm. Grouping and favorites.

I have idea for improvement. When adding the card to the dashboard it says ā€œNo supported players foundā€. So first I thought it might only support Sonos speakers, but I saw that others was useing with cast devices. I have several Google Home Minis, but still got the message. Then I finally found that I have to enter the domain for the speakers I want to show. Maybe this option should be moved to be the first option you see?

Then I have ea question. Is there a easy way to exclude all ā€œfavoritesā€ except custom ones? I have radio browser integration and I donā€™t want it show up in favorites. I would actually like to exclude the media exposed by the speaker it self as well, and only have my custom favorites.

Good suggestions, can you please create requests on Github?

I have a WiiM Pro device that Iā€™d like to use as a media player for notifications to my Amazon Echo connected speaker groups.
For example, the ability to use the WiiM Pro as a media output in an action for specific automation triggers to either play a sound or eventually repeat notification text.
Would this media player integration allow for that or can someone recommend the solution/integration I need?

No, you need to look at integrations and automations. This is ā€onlyā€ a card for dashboards.

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Is there a way to hide the album?
It tried album and albumname, but it didnt vanish :stuck_out_tongue:
I got this already but want to hide album as well

                    mxmp-player$ mxmp-player-header$: |
                      .entity {
                        display: none;
                      .song {
                        display: none;

Example 5 - Hide entity/group name and album name

image image

thx overlooked that ! Gracias.

Has anyone gotten Squeezebox (now Lyrion) favorites to work? Theyā€™ve been recently added to HA-- they now show up under Mediaā€“>Favorites, but they donā€™t show up in the Maxi Media player favorites section.

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Do they show up correctly on the normal default media player card? Not sure why it wouldnā€™t work tbh. If it doesnā€™t work with the normal media player card, raise an issue on GitHub and Iā€™ll take a look.

edit: actually, I just installed Maxi, and it doesnā€™t show favs, but if you click on Browse Media, to pull up the normal media browser, then they work fine. So, the question is actually how does Maxi identify favorites. Thereā€™s no special category for favorites in the media browser - theyā€™re just called ā€œfavoritesā€. If Maxi needs something specific to know what a favorite looks like, we can take a look.

Or,do favorites in Maxi require you to manually add them to the yaml? Never used it, but thatā€™s what their doc seems to say.

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Yep - looks like Favorites in Maxi have to be created manually in the cardā€™s yaml I think from my short read - people here may know betterā€¦

Edit. The easiest way to get the actual favorite media content id would be to look in the Lyrion UI for the favorite and copy it from there. Copying it from HA state as described in the Maxi player wonā€™t always work (.e.g if your favorite is a playlist, the HA state will show you the content of the playlist)

Ah, thatā€™s too bad. The closely-related ā€œSonos Cardā€ pulls in the sonos favorites automatically so I had just assumed that this card would do the same since HA ā€œknowsā€ what they are. Thanks for taking a look!

Now that Iā€™m digging, I think this should be able to work the way I expected, without having to manually add every single favorite. According this issue, the card looks for favorites in two ways:

It is looking for favorites in two places:

So the question is, why arenā€™t the Squeezebox/Lyrion favorites being picked up automatically?

Edit: I submitted an issue on Github.

Those links donā€™t work for me to the repo - 404. Could you repost them and Iā€™ll take a look. Simple answer as to why it doesnā€™t work is that thereā€™s no standard way of implementing favorites, or any other browsed media. As you linked to in the developer docs, thereā€™s just a mechanism for building a hierarchical set of lists of media. Favorites is just the name weā€™ve given to one of them - theyā€™re not really special in anyway and thereā€™s nothing that says favorites should have a content_id or type of favorites.

Likely the same reason that spotify doesnā€™t work in that issue - sonos just happens to do it in one way which isnā€™t the same as others since thereā€™s actually no standard way of doing it.

Actually, donā€™t worry. I found the code, Iā€™ll take a look, but not holding my breath right now.


You may end up being reliant on this PR getting mergedā€¦ hopefully soon.

No, thatā€™s one of my PRs - doesnā€™t affect this one. This one Add support for Apps and Radios to Squeezebox Media Browser by peteS-UK Ā· Pull Request #134142 Ā· home-assistant/core (also mine) adds support for Apps and Radios to the media browser, but also wonā€™t affect this. Whilst I can take a look at this, I wonā€™t be submitting any new PRs ATM until we get some approved - we have 9 PRs waiting at the moment and itā€™s getting too difficult to add anything new on top of all of the pending changesā€¦

OK - Iā€™ll answer on the github issue, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything we can do on the squeezebox size. maxi currently looks for items with media_content_type=ā€˜favoritesā€™. We donā€™t do that. For us, favorites can have different content types - e.g. media or playlists are the obvious ones, but thereā€™s also some internal squeezebox types they could be. So, we need the type of item which is a favorite, rather than it just being a favorite. Iā€™ll have a think if thereā€™s a way to identify them which the maxi team might use - I think the current approach is derived from the way sonos does it.