Media_extractor taking too long to start URL audio streaming

Hi everyone, I’m new to the community and I find it amazing. I’m trying to play with a million settings and absorving as much info as fast as I can.
Currently I don’t have a lot to automate but one goal is to be able to stream a custom radio I like to all my Google speakers with the click of a button so I’ve created the following:

type: button
name: Ofi
  action: call-service
  service: media_extractor.play_media
    entity_id: media_player.oficina
    media_content_id: ''
    media_content_type: music

That is currently working but when I click on the button, the Google Mini connects right away (it makes the connected sound) but the stream itself is taking 20-30 secs to start. If I open the url on a browser the stream plays immediately so I wonder if there’s a way I can debug this or what could I try.

Thanks in advance!

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I have a similar problem and I came across your question in search of a solution. I am enclosing my configuration. The first station transmits immediately, the second station with a delay of 20-30 seconds, and the third station not at all, although the stream checked in VLC is OK.

type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
name: ChromecastAudio_2 OK
entity: media_player.chromecastaudio_2
    - id: ';'
      name: Antyradio
      type: music
    - id: ';'
      name: PR1
      type: music
    - id: ';'
      name: SwissJazz
      type: music
  columns: 2