Media Player Google Home Card Flickering

Good question, I am streaming internet radio usually it has album art image, Ill just check.

It had the radio logo then it disappeared and then a grey background and a microphone?

Does the track you’re playing actually have album art?

I have the same behaviour for my Chromecast and Sonos cards. Maybe I can make a video of it, when I’m back home.
In the HA error log there is nothing unusual related to media_players… :-/


That’s a good idea may be an animated gif? I have no errors in logs either. Sure it was okay in last version.

I will post an image if it does not go away.

I had the same behavior yesterday, with the iTunes component.I read somewhere in the forums that other people had the same issue, but with other media player components and someone suggested that it was because there was no album art for the track playing. Additionally, you will see in your browser’s Developer Tools that the frontend tries to get the album art from the player and fails (obviously), which results in 500 errors to show up (again, in the developer tools of the browser, not in HA logs). As soon as I added an image as album art to that track, it went away.

Great do you know if anyone has logged and issue / bug? if not I am happy to raise this.

I’m afraid I don’t know

Doesn’t seem so:"component%3A+media_player"

I’m not home at the moment. But maybe someone of you can open a bug report?

I have tested this on three versions 0.56.2, 0.56 and 0.55. I have tried on different computers and different browsers and all have the same problem the history bar is refreshing and makes the window flicker see screen animation, the radio station is smoothuk on tunein played on google home device. I have two google home devices and they are both doing the same thing:

Edit: Can confirm that version 0.54 working broken 0.55 onwards

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Anyone found the source or solution for this? It is becoming really annoying and sometimes unusable for me.