Media player: how to set sound_mode

Been trying to set sound mode, without success. This is a Denon x3400w receiver, same problem with both main zone and zone 2; same problem with X1000. I can change this mode from the device dialog box. Did try ALL_ZONE_STEREO, with spaces instead of underlines. Any suggestions for what is wrong:


Edit: changed “sound:” to “sound_mode:” no change.

according to the documentation, there’s a note about sound mode for denon recievers

  • Sound mode: The command to set a specific sound mode is different from the value of the current sound mode reported by the receiver (sound_mode_raw). There is a key-value structure (sound_mode_dict) that matches the raw sound mode to one of the possible commands to set a sound mode (for instance {‘MUSIC’:[‘PLII MUSIC’]}. If you get a “Not able to match sound mode” warning, please open an issue on the denonavr library, stating which raw sound mode could not be matched so it can be added to the matching dictionary. You can find the current raw sound mode under “Development Tools/States” in the front panel.

also, the correct code would be sound_mode:

- service: media_player.select_sound_mode
    entity_id: media_player.living_room_receiver
    sound_mode: XXXXX

This worked for me:

service: webostv.select_sound_output
  entity_id: media_player.lg_pjtr_hu70la
  sound_output: bt_soundbar