Media Player Ideas

Ok, So I’ve been a few version behind (cough 10) and I am now running 116.I’ve done my best at reading the change notes but there seems to be a lot of newness, and a lot that doesn’t apply to me, but trying to did further I end up confused.

Media player, I hear there is something new, maybe something built in that will let me play locally stored music? But when I search for it I get Media Player info that says it first showed up in .7 and still references entity_id (isn’t that gone)?
I haven’t found the bit that would let me play local music…

So, what is my best option to play local music and radio streams. I was running Jukebox for Chromecast but that might be slightly broken? I also have MPD with a web interface setup to play local music and radio streams to snapcast but it’s slow to load the interface, and it’s lots of clicking to get where you want to go, it’s kind of ugly too.

What are you using?

The new media player you are talking about is this one
It will show up in your side bar when you installed 116. ( cfr screenshot > Media Browser )

I have Forked-daap installed on my Home Assistant server, it has a Home Assistant integration too. It will allow you to add internet radio feeds that you can play. But I’m sure there are other solutions too… like Volumio.

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But rather confusingly some media_player integrations also have the ability to access media in a similar interface, but using their own data.

This is a Kodi media_player

See the media browser button (just below where it says Idle

Click that and you get a Media Browser like this

This is my kodi library, nothing to do with adding files to my home assistant setup.

Hmm, I’m running HA 116 (core?) and I do not have a Media Browser in the left menu.

I noticed this last night. I didn’t realize it was Kodi specific media, which is dumb on my part because a) I haven’t set the mapping to my media share yet, and b) The OTA TV channels available in Kodi were showing up.