Media_player plex lost images?


before my media_player sensors and media_players Plex showed their images of whats playing just fine. With the last few updates, All I get is a white space.

While the entities are populated as they should be, according to the dev-state. My apple tv media-players show image alright and instantaneous, so I know the system is working as it should…

anyone experiencin this too?


    friendly_name: 'Plex Safari'
    value_template: >
      {% if states.media_player.plex_safari %}
        {% if states('media_player.plex_safari')in ['playing','idle','paused','stopped']%} 
        {%  endif %}
      {% else %} Offline
      {% endif %}
    entity_picture_template: >
     {% if states('media_player.plex_safari') == 'playing' %}
     {% else %} /local/various/plex.png
     {% endif %}


supposed to show the entity_picture of the playing show here.

this is what the media_player looks like:


and the dev_state:

only thing I notice is the token is much much longer than the token in the plex configuration. Don’t know if this is supposed to be the same?

I have the same problem. Anyone know how to fix?

I had a brief solution after changing ssl to not ssl

but it is still unstable though,

often just not popping up, or changing back to idle, while in fact playing:

as entity:


as media-control card (note the phone, which is playing the same file…)

as mini-media-player

below my own sensor in non-lovelace:


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