I’d like to suggest / request an enhancement of the MelCloud integration. At the moment, for air to air systems, users can set most of the system parameters via the integration GUI, including mode, swing (vertical & horizontal), temperature etc which is a great ability.
I would like to suggest that these settings could also be exposed to allow them to be used by automations. At the moment it appears that the swing mode can be set via the HA ‘device’ information ‘MEL Cloud’ entity and then selecting the specific device in the ‘Target’ field. The mode (heat / cool / dry etc) can also be set via the ‘HVAC mode’ of the specific entity.
It would be really great if the other parameters, especially setpoint temperature, fan speed etc, could also be set via automations. That way, if away from home and not HA cloud enabled, users could set an automation to start up the units automatically if the temperature went outside of required limits.
I’m not sure what you mean…all this is already possible. If you look for climate.xxx sensor (your climate’s main sensor) in developer tools you’ll see all needed info under climate’s attributes.
You can create a template sensor which reads desired attribute:
Hi Pavel,
Really sorry - I had no idea that the information could be found in the Developer Tools section. I’m not a programmer and largely use the integrations ‘out of the box’ wherever possible and where I’d tried to do anything more advanced with other integrations I’d found the entities in the integration itself. Doesn’t look as straightforward as I’d hoped but will have a play around.
May I suggest that you put a reference to the entities being available via the Dev Tools in the project documentation.
Thanks for your help and also for the integration - much more usable than the Mitsubishi remotes.