Memory consumption increasing steadily with MariaDB

I’ve recently switched from the sqlite db to MariaDB and from that moment on I see RAM usage going up ever so slightly, all the time:


When I reboot the HA and MariaDB docker containers, it goes back to about 78% and starts to increase again.

Also curious as to what those dips are caused by.

Has anyone else seen this behavior? Anything I can do about it (e.g. some MariaDB setting)?

Currently I’ve made a cronjob that restarts the containers at certain intervals to try and mitigate running out of RAM.

What else are you running?

What are you running it on?

When I was running mariaDB on a pi with 1GB of RAM it levelled out at about 50% use.

It’s running on a pi3 (1GB RAM).

Other than the switch from sqlite to MariaDB there has been no changes in hw or sw. For completeness, the image i’I’m running on the pi is from OSMC but I did not update that in the last couple of weeks.

Anyone ever figure this out? I’m experiencing the same thing. Memory creep with MariaDB. I can reproduce it simply by starting / stopping mariadb.

When I was running MariaDB on a pi3 it always levelled out at about 50-60% memory use.

I was using a pi3 with HA together with OSMC, I guess MariaDB would eventually level out but not within the memory space available in that case.

Now using a pi4 4GB ram with at the moment only a HA and MariaDB docker and it’s steady at about 24% for weeks already.