Messed up English Intents!

Hey All,

Been ‘playing’ and now broke it!
Basically English isn’t recognised in developer / assist ( other languages seem fine ). Pressing return yields nothing nor selecting parse sentence.
If I go into voice assistant and start conversation ; I only get the response "unexpected error during intent recognition ".
Tried rebooting etc. ; english is of course selected everywhere it needs be.
Not much good at other languages so if anyone as any suggestions on how I get parsing back in English be real appreciated.
Been trying for hours!. initially I was trying to get assist to work with music assistant. Had some success until I broke it .


It’s broke help doesn’t help much…

Exactly what were you editing when it broke?
What does the log say?

Without those were just guessing…

That’s because the logs report nothing other than the intent is incorrect . No other debug info I can give.
I had edited configuration.yaml and custom sentences / en / . All returned to their previous form . I guess I need to know / understand what parse / intent reads on the way to validate .

The relevant items will be under custom sentences / en

Return those to defaults or undo the last edits you made there.

Make sure you have good backups.


Had some success with this! - thank you

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