integration. Which direction is the wind blowing?!

Bear with me: here’s the set-up to the question.

I’ve added to my Home Assistant via Integrations for localised weather updates. I have also added two new sensors using info from, using its State Attributes; “wind_speed”, and “bearing”. The Wind_Speed pulls the km/h data and converts it into m/s (by dividing the km/h value by 3.6 to get m/s). The Bearing sensor is simply the “degrees” value given by

I’ve also made a convoluted NodeRed workflow that takes the Bearing (say 180 degrees) and converts that into a direction. I’m still working on this, but it works fine. I’m not looking for help on the workflow conversion at this time!

I’ve created a text_input.wind_direction helper sensor, and this is populated by NodeRed. In NodeRed, it takes the Bearing value and puts it through a “Range Node” which simplifies the 0-360 bearing value down to 20 outputs, five “per quarter of a circle” (and this can be tweaked for more accuracy by having 36 outputs for example). This basically splits up a 360 degree circle into 18 degree sections. I then assign each of those 20 “18 degree” segments to an actual direction. The Switch Outputs are converted from a number to a word using a Change Node.

Example: Bearing sensor says 89 degrees. NodeRed reads 89 as fitting into “Direction Q1” Range Node. It’s between the number 4 and 5, rounded up to 5, when it is simplified by the Switch Node. The Switch Node then outputs the number 5 to a Change Node, which converts the number 5 to the word “East”. A Call Service node then puts the word “East” into the text box.

I’m using the direction text to display an image on my floorplan. The word east will then display an arrow pointing east… or will it?

Here comes the question!

Is the Bearing value the direction the wind is coming FROM or going TO? Is a bearing of 90 degrees meaning the wind is coming FROM the east, or blowing towards the east?

In Air Traffic Control, wind direction is described in the direction it is coming from. So easterly wind is coming FROM the east. However, the Met Office says their bearings are the direction the wind is going.

Any ideas?

So I’ve answered my own question with a bit of patience and research:

The degrees bearing data is the direction in which the wind is COMING FROM.

Below is a montage of information. It shows my wind arrow pointing North West in the top-left grey box. The speed is 4.8m/s (17.3km/h from, and a wind bearing of 305.3 degrees). Separately, data from shows the flow of wind heading South West (this is a screen grab, not integrated data). The Grafana Wind Rose plug-in has plotted the recent 24hr winds as heavily in the North West quadrant.

Therefore the data indicating a direction of North West is showing the direction the wind is COMING FROM.

This is the end of my Public Service Announcement!

The Arrow from is pointing in the wrong direction, isn’t it ?
If bearing is 305 degrees (N/W), it has to point in the direction where the wind is blowing to (S/E) and not where it’s originated.
Like this: Windfinder (point the mouse anywhere on the map)

Looks nice, your node red!