Hello Community,
i have two different watermeter . I get the full string from the the watermeter by “AI on the edge”.
The firstone is measure the whole water trouhg my house.
The second one is metering the water what is need for the garden. This watermeter is behind the first one (in one row) and only to get the consum without a dirtwater price.
The firstone ist metering the fresh water - in germany we must pay also a price fpr the dirtwater. So the totalcost of a m3 water is accually 3,96€ (Fresh and dirtwater)
If i raining the garden, I just need to pay the freshwater bill (1,813€ m3).
Now i want to get the right price in the energydashboard. I have create a few entitys:
watermeter_value (the value of the first watermeter.)
watermetergarten_value (the second one)
Now is have the following helper:
Template 1: Dirtwatercosts
(watermeter_value - watermetergarten_value = water included dirtwater) x 2.15 = Dirtwatercost
(states('sensor.watermetergarten_value')|float(0))) * states('input_number.schmutzwasserpreis')| int )}}
Template 2: Freshwater complete
watermeter_value x 1.81 = price freshwater
{{ states('sensor.watermeter_value')|float(0) * states('input_number.wasserpreis')|float(0)|round(2)}}
Template 3: endprice (Name Gesamtwasserkosten)
Template + Template = fullcost of water without the dirtwater garden
{{ states('sensor.frischwasser')|round(2) + states('sensor.abwasserkosten')|round(2)}}
Now i want to use this entity for the energy Dashboard. So I setup the card like this:
now i get weird costs in the energy dashboard.
Can anyone explain me what i did false?
thank you very much