Mi Flora Integration

I recently tried to use a Xiaomi Mi Flora sensor to take different data and save it in HA.

The battery lasts since then very little. In a matter of weeks it runs out.
The problem lies in the continuous data taking.

The automatic integration does not allow to change the logging frequency.

I tried the manual integration, knowing the iMac of the sensor, but I had problems.

I am quite novice and the only thing I would like to do is to decrease the data scanning frequency. One shot every half hour or every hour.

I tried with similar code, like this:

Example configuration.yaml entry


  • platform: miflora
    mac: “XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX”
    • moisture
    • light
    • temperature
    • conductivity
      minutes: 30
      force_update: true

If someone could tell us where the error is pls

I would blame force update and scan interval.
Home assistant can passively listen self published values from the device or ask it explicitly, wait for response which would drain the battery.

This seems off. I have 10 of these and have yet to change any batteries after multiple months. They were auto-discovered using the Xiaomi BLE integration. Did you use some other integration/method?

Same here, the normal battery life is around 12 months with Xiaomi BLE integration.


Not really. Use the automatic integration. As I said, I’m a newbie.
I wanted to investigate a little more because of the battery consumption.