I noticed there are breaking changes for MiFlora component in 0.78
Fix Mi Flora median calculation. Removed retries and timeout config parameters, they were not used for several months. Replaced cache_value config with scan_interval to fix a bug in the PR.
Actually, if you wait long enough (few hours), you will get some ‘sporadic’ updates from the sensors, so apparently some connectivity issue has been introduced with 0.78.0
Issue on my end as well; some sensors work, but most don’t.
Not too thrilled with Hass.io right now; recent updates have also made my z-wave devices less reliable and duckdns partially functional. This is just the icing on the cake.
I’m also having this issue. I updated to 0.78 last night and none of my 5 plant sensors came up. Overnight 4/5 came up, but still seem to be having connectivity issues according to the log.
All mine still comes up on 0.79. though it takes several hours.
But at least some one is working on a fix it looks like on your github issue.
I just don’t understand why it suddenly broke.
I’m having similar issues; last night a performed an update to 88.2 and now this morning I’ve noticed one of my sensors has stopped displaying values. Running bluetoothctl in cli displays the MAC of the device in question and I’ve relocated the plant closer to the host for around -70 RSSI, yet still no values displayed.
Ok, I’ve managed to get it working again by removing the plant/group/sensor relating to that miflora device, restarting the host, then re-adding the config and restarting the host again. Weird!
NO it dosnt work It did not block the webinterface, and some flowers did show up, but didnt get opdated after that.
And after a reboot the webinterface wouldnt load just spinng around for long time.
To bad - now all my flowers hassnt gotten any whater for a few months