Microphone With ESPHome

I have a microphone hooked up to an ESP32 via the SPI bus. Looking for any information that might help me get it working (for some value of working), The examples I’ve been able to find so far haven’t really helped much :frowning:

to do what?

Short term, I want to capture the data. Long term I want to look for a certain signal in it to decide if there us a bat present or not…

Is there a library for this microphone? Custom SPI Device — ESPHome

Microphone on SPI Input ??? What type of microphone is it ? I would have more thought about an ADC input en ESP considering microphone delivers an analog signal…

This is the datasheet for the microphone https://datasheet.lcsc.com/lcsc/2004081814_INGHAi-GMA3526H10-B26_C498192.pdf

Yeah, I saw that… I know how to define the bus, but not how to read/write, or even how to really interface with the bus afterwards…

This microphone has a frequency range of 100Hz ~ 10kHz. The only way you’re going to detect a bat is when it crashes into the microphone. Definitely not due to the sound it produces.

Pretty sure thats just the linear response portion. It should in theory still respond to a 40kHz signal which is where echolocation calls occur at…

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