Hello everyone!
I’ve successfully configured the Microsoft Text-to-Speech component and made it work using Mopidy to hear it over the 3.5mm jack on the Pi3.
The problem is the volume of the sound that is generated on the Pi3 board is very low. I am connected with a amplified speaker and even with full volume I can hear it very low.
Here is my Mopidy config:
"local_scan": true,
"options": [
"name": "audio_output/type",
"value": "alsa"
"name": "audio_output/device",
"value": "hw:1,0"
"name": "local/media_dir",
"value": "/share/mopidy/media"
Everything is at max volume.
Is there a way to get the audio file from Microsoft server on a higher volume?
I’ve read this on the documentation:
To change the volume: <speak version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis" xmlns:mstts="http://www.w3.org/2001/mstts" xml:lang="en-US"><prosody volume="+20.00%">Welcome to use Microsoft Text to speech voice in cognitive service.</prosody></speak>
Thank you!