Enabling MiFlora w/ bluetooth_tracker works for a few days and then absolutely destroys my hassio (rp3) and my wifi.
I’ve seen other people have this issue but haven’t seen a solution. Any ideas?
Enabling MiFlora w/ bluetooth_tracker works for a few days and then absolutely destroys my hassio (rp3) and my wifi.
I’ve seen other people have this issue but haven’t seen a solution. Any ideas?
Instead of talking to HA get the miflora to talk to an ESP board running ESPhome that uses mqtt to send information over wifi to HA.
I haven’t tried this yet but want to because of the extra range I can get using wifi.
Thanks. I know nothing of this kind of stuff but I’ll read up on it to see if it’s doable for me
It is very easy. Install the addon and vist the web page. It guides you through making your first project. Then you can add a few devices to the config file using yaml. Every sensor has clear yaml examples. Upload from the web page the first time - no need for a programming cable it’s just a USB A to USB micro. After that you can make changes to the yaml file and upload over the air. The Wemos D1 mini would be good for this project: https://wiki.wemos.cc/products:d1:d1_mini?utm_source=platformio&utm_medium=docs
Once you try it you’ll be adding all sorts of sensors all over the place