Migrate HA from Docker to a VM

Hi all,

recently I wanted to migrate my Home Assistant Core installation from docker to a VM running Home Assistant Operating System. Doing so, I hope to have less admin tasks like maintaining my docker server and updating all containers manually.

The only problem I stumbled about is migrating the external MariaDB Docker to the MarisDB HASS addon. :frowning:

Maybe anyone of you allready migrated the own installation and has some hints for me :slight_smile:

What I tryed so far:

  1. Doing a simple export and import by phpmyadmin. It seems like my database is too large for this, running into limitations of phpmyadmin ((current database size 29GB, phpmyadmin seemes to be limited to 4GB of export size)

  2. Since the MariaDB Addon of HASS is more or less a Docker container itself, I thought about just copying my existing container data to the bind path of the HASS container.
    According to the docker CLI output of HASS (docker instpect mariadb-container-name) its bind path should be “/mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/core_mariadb”. But this path does not exist. So I don´t know how to copy the data.

  3. Using a 3rd Party tool to connect to the HASS MariaDB from my Windows machine. But unfortunately I didn´t manage to connect to the Database from outside of the HASS VM.