Hello everyone,
i am trying to migrate my HA-Instance from docker to HA OS. Now I’m dealing with an issue regarding to Zigbee2Mqtt. To migrate Zigbee2Mqtt I followed this instruction found on reddit:
Install the zigbee2mqtt addon on the new homeassistant instance, start the addon, wait a few minutes, and stop it again.
Then copy over the entire contents of your current zigbee2mqtt configuration directory into the zigbee2mqtt addon data directory on the new machine.
Next, update the zigbee2mqtt addons configuration to match your current settings (network key, pan id etc).
Then plug your dongle in and restart the addon.
I also had to increase the Pan ID and added the former network key before starting up the Addon again. In the UI of the Addon I see all of my devices, but they are not connected. I did not add the former extended pan id, because when i tried this before, the devices didn’t show in the Addon UI. The Addon-protocoll shows the following (i also tried to repair a device so i activated permit join) :
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-03-20 10:02:03: Received MQTT message on 'homeassistant/sensor/0x00158d00012e12f9/linkquality/config' with data '{"availability":[{"topic":"zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"}],"device":{"identifiers":["zigbee2mqtt_0x00158d00012e12f9"],"manufacturer":"Paulmann","model":"SmartHome led spot (50064)","name":"0x00158d00012e12f9","sw_version":"Zigbee2MQTT 1.18.1"},"icon":"mdi:signal","json_attributes_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d00012e12f9","name":"0x00158d00012e12f9 linkquality","state_topic":"zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d00012e12f9","unique_id":"0x00158d00012e12f9_linkquality_zigbee2mqtt","unit_of_measurement":"lqi","value_template":"{{ value_json.linkquality }}"}'
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-03-20 10:02:11: Failed to configure '0xec1bbdfffeac31ca', attempt 1 (Error: Bind 0xec1bbdfffeac31ca/1 genPowerCfg from '0x00124b002390d5dc/1' failed (AREQ - ZDO - bindRsp after 10000ms)
at Timeout._onTimeout (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/dist/utils/waitress.js:46:35)
at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7))
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:02:11: Configuring '0x00158d00013b01b0'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:02:33: Successfully configured '0x00158d00013b01b0'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:02:33: Configuring '0x00158d00013cda3a'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:02:55: Successfully configured '0x00158d00013cda3a'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:02:55: Configuring '0x00158d00012e12f9'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:03:17: Successfully configured '0x00158d00012e12f9'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:03:17: Started frontend on port
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-03-20 10:06:50: Saving state to file /config/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-03-20 10:11:50: Saving state to file /config/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-03-20 10:16:50: Saving state to file /config/zigbee2mqtt/state.json
Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2022-03-20 10:18:33: Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/request/permit_join' with data '{"device":null,"transaction":"isd5q-1","value":true}'
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:18:33: Zigbee: allowing new devices to join.
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-03-20 10:18:33: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/response/permit_join', payload '{"data":{"value":true},"status":"ok","transaction":"isd5q-1"}'
All works fine, when I set up the Addon out of the box without migrating anything.
Does anyone has an Idea what the problem is?