Migrated from docker to pythonic install. But no supervisor or addons option

I have Mosquito, Z2M, InfluxDb, Grafana… running very happily (in docker) alongside my HA core (Python) HA install. …although I may move HA to docker to be consistent.

HAOS is easier, gives you the add-on store but maybe less flexible overall regarding co-existance with other things.

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Yes indeed. I decided to revert back to the docker implementation and learn to do what the addons do for me myself.
Next step will be indeed to see how to configure “everything in files” and not rely on DB to have long time metrics and so on, i.e. using influxdb or prometheus for the metrics datapoint.

I have the current setup
NGINX as reverse-proxy → HA
– → Zigbee2MQTT
Mosquitto (with TLS, but not for mTLS auth)
HA + Z2MQTT → Mosquitto → AWS IoT core (just because!)

all non-persistent data services will be / are deployed via ECS Anywhere on the pis, so that there is HA among these services.

If I were to exaggerate, I’d say I want persistance of config/data in a location in the cloud of my choosing, and the rest, as ephemeral as possible, with only configuration to restore.

Did you go for InfluxDB for a particular reason vs Prometheus ? //me curious

EDIT: On a good note, having a non HA bound implementation of Z2MQTT allowed me to pull back all of the devices very neatly and added back in what’s going to be my “main” HA (for now)

I use InfluxDB because it was recommended. I didn’t hear about Prometheus until later and I honestly don’t know how thew 2 compare.