Hey guys,
I am a Home Assistant user since long time. At the beginning I used Home Assistant hassbian. That was deprecated and I just continued using Home Assistant within the venv. It works till today.
Additionally I run a piVCCU (Homematic) on that Raspberry as lxc Container.
Today I started playing around with Home Assistant OS and guess what - I want to switch to it and I am asking myself what and how a good practice could look like.
So I try to give you some insights what I am currently using:
- DuckDns with LetsEncrypt
- A couple of HA integrations, including some custom integration, all via HACS
- piVCCU (with GPIO module; I saw that I could use RaspberryMatic)
- default DB
- Home Assistant Configurator (I saw it is available as HAOS add-on)
- ZHA and a USB Stick attached to the Raspberry
- …
My current guess would be, that I copy all the data /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
into the HAOS instance, try to modify the config yamls a bit (i.e. LetsEncrypt stuff, …) and try to start it. My goal is, that I keep my data, my automations, my entities and so on.
Hope to hear your thoughts on my project.