I have just setup the ESP8266 Milight hub project.
Everything seems to be working, apart from actions having any effect on the bulbs.
The Milight esp8266 sniffed the packets and I have added groups correctly. The data seems to match up.
MQTT is up and running, it changes the Milight esp8266 hub interface correctly when interacting with the MQTT lights in HA.
The status of the MQTT lights is even being updated when interacting with the lights using the old limitless integration.
One thing I have noticed when sniffing packets within the Milight esp8266 hub interface is that the packets sent for the same command with the old bridges differ to the packets sent with the new bridge.
Turn off command issues from HA using the limitless integration, , three packets are sent:
rgb_cct packet received (9 bytes):
Raw packet: E6 BC 82 2A A6 79 EA 66 8D
Key : E6
b1 : 20
ID : 1728
Command : 01
Argument : 01
Sequence : F1
Group : 01
Checksum : DD
rgb_cct packet received (9 bytes):
Raw packet: 61 56 C9 9E 19 F8 BF 1A 8F
Key : 61
b1 : 20
ID : 1728
Command : 01
Argument : 01
Sequence : F0
Group : 01
Checksum : 6B
rgb_cct packet received (9 bytes):
Raw packet: 6B 89 2B 50 FF DD 24 13 D1
Key : 6B
b1 : 20
ID : 1728
Command : 01
Argument : 01
Sequence : EF
Group : 01
Checksum : 60
Turn off command issues from HA using the Milight esp8266 integration, a single packet is sent:
rgb_cct packet received (9 bytes):
Raw packet: 00 DB CC 0B 66 D1 32 66 65
Key : 00
b1 : 20
ID : 1728
Command : 01
Argument : 01
Sequence : 98
Group : 01
Checksum : B2
Has anyone experienced this?
March 8, 2021, 1:29pm
Why you don’t use MQTT light platform?
Here my setup. Work like a charm!!!
# https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.mqtt/
- name: "Balcony All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA4/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA4/rgb_cct/1"
platform: mqtt
schema: json
color_temp: true
rgb: true
brightness: true
effect: true
qos: 1
optimistic: true
retain: false
availability_topic: "Milight_Hub/client_status"
payload_available: "connected"
payload_not_available: "disconnected"
- "night_mode"
- "white_mode"
- "0"
- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
- "4"
- "5"
- "6"
- "7"
- "8"
- name: "Hallway All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA3/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA3/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bathroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bathroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bathroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Bathroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Bathroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAD/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Bedroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bedroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bedroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Bedroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAA/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Bedroom 5"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Bedroom 6"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAB/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Bedroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABA/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABA/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Dressoir 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Dressoir 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Dressoir 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Dressoir All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAF/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Kitchen 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Kitchen 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Kitchen 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Kitchen All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA2/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Sink 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Sink 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Sink 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Sink All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAA1/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Livingroom 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Livingroom 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Livingroom 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Livingroom 4"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/4"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/4"
- name: "Livingroom All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAC/rgb_cct/0"
- name: "Wall All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABB/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABB/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Window All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAABB/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAABB/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Toilet 1"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/1"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/1"
- name: "Toilet 2"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/2"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/2"
- name: "Toilet 3"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/3"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/3"
- name: "Toilet All"
command_topic: "Milight_Hub/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/0"
state_topic: "Milight_Hub/states/0xAAAE/rgb_cct/0"
Yes, that’s what I have just setup. But the bulbs are not changing.