Milight + IFTTT + Google Home

Hi guys,

I managed my Milight/LimitlessLed bulbs to work with HA. They appeared in the web page so I can turn my lights on and off. But cannot make them work via Google Home.

Here is my yaml config.

light: !include light.yaml
scene: !include scene.yaml


platform: limitlessled
- host:
version: 4
port: 8899
- number: 1
type: rgbw
name: Livingroom


#livingroom Light Scenes

  • name: LivingroomON
    state: on
    transition: 2
    brightness: 255
    rgb_color: [255,255,255]
  • name: LivingroomOFF
    light.livingroom: off

I set up IFTTT and created an applet, now when I say “Lights on”, google home replies “Ok, lights on” and does nothing else.

My IFTTT applet:

I am not sure what I should use as entity_id in IFTTT applet. Is that correct?
Can I see any logs or can I check somehow if my web request is correct and if it is working?

I use IFTTT to call scripts on HASS - you need to be able to have IFTTT get to your HASS instance since I’m guessing your HASS instance is running on your local lan - so in my case I have port 8123 forwarded on my router to my rapsberry pi - then in the IFTTT applet - you need to call like this:

http://“your ip or dns address here”:8123/api/services/script/bed_time?api_password=“your api password”

The script name in my case is called bed_time - looks like this:

   alias: "Bed Time Check"
      - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.switch_living_room_table_lamp_switch
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: light.light_bulb_living_room_floor_lamp_level
      - service: lock.lock
        entity_id: lock.lock_front_door_locked

Hope this helps a bit. You’re going to need to find a way to make HASS available to IFTTT via the internet and then you need to make the applet call the right api call to HASS with password etc via that dns or ip entry.

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So the IP address should be my public IP? Will try to setup port forwarding today. Thanks.

That is correct - you need to use your public IP with port forwarding to get IFTTT to talk with your HASS instance on your local lan.

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