MISCELLANEOUS NetAtmo Smart Thermostat

Yes, HK advertising stopped. I have thermostat and radiator valves.

So, does it work properly now or do you have any issues?

Thanks for responding.

It works properly, I’m just wondering why it is better or worse to use HomeKit integration for Netatmo or the “native” Netatmo integration.

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I don’t know what exactly is supported by the HomeKit integration. But in the end, just use whatever feels best for you. This is the beauty of open source.

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i have same problem, i have a Netatmo thermostat and netatmo meteo station.
I neet native integration to make connection with meteo station, i need homekit discovery on for other device and my thermostat display the code.
I have try to put thermostati in “ingore” in my discovered device with no success…