Mismatch in sensors reported from a device between zwavejs control panel and HA "integration"


I have a bunch of Zwave devices in my HA install. It has been a rock solid performance (more or less) since I migrated over to ZwaveJS. But once in a while I do get some “cosmetic” errors in my logs that certain sensors/entities are not available or not reporting correctly. Today I wanted to look more into it and just took a simple power outlet from Qubino I remembered there has been some logs on.
When I look in the ZwaveJS control panel in the specific device (Qubino Smart Plug) I noticed a lot of sensors available under “meter” such as “Water Consumption US Gallons” which is not relevant for a Zwave power outlet.
So I did a re-interview (as I have done a couple of times earliere to get rid of the messages in the logs) and all unnecessary sensors are removed.

But if I go to Integration in HA and look at the device under the Z-Wave-JS integration it still reports all those unnecessary sensors/entities from this device.

I have other devices also which is not reflecting 100% the same as I see in the ZwaveJS control panel.
After a while it seems that these unnecessary sensors are back again in the ZwaveJS control panel again also.

I suspect they come from the ZwaveJS Integration in HA as they are still there.

Is there a way to “refresh/resync” the content of a device in the ZwaveJS Integration to match what is reported in the ZwaveJS control panel?

It feels like as soon as a device is added through ZwaveJS control panel and added to the Integration in HA its done, there is no “two-way” communication between the control panel and the integration. Except If I do some config changes on a device from the Integration instead of directly on the Zwave control panel it does honor my configuration changes as I can see the config is reflected in both the Integration and ZwaveJS control panel. But sensors/entities thats not relevant etc is not being reflected.


I managed to get the unnecessary entities as unavailable by reloading the integration after I did the re-interview. Then I could delete the entities.