Missing device in Integrations

I was playing around with my Shelly Intergrations in attempt to get a new Shelly button 1 going. I originally had two Shelly bulbs and they were working fine using the stock Shelly integration.

In my finite wisdom, after looking at videos and reading I went to HACS and installed Shelly for HASS. That is where the fun began.

When I restarted I got errors relating to Shelly for HASS.

So I removed the Shelly for HASS, restarts were ok, but the original integrations were unhappy. I deleted them and two were rediscovered.

My RGBW bulb wont come back, and when I go to add it back in manually, the pop up says the device is already configured.

The good news is, I have the button configured to toggle a three way switch in my detached garage.