Missing from 2022.5.0 - Check Configuration (YAML) and restart HA

I am running and this morning was the first time I wanted to restart my HA. NOT REBOOT the host.
Under the new Settings menus I could not find where to

  1. check my yaml for errors. You used to be able to do this and get the green tick
  2. restart HA
    I could find Reboot and shutdown but that is not what I wanted to do?
    I have a work practice that I check this before any restart just to be sure I have not made any mistakes.

Am I missing something? can anyone tell me where this has gone?

Developer tools - yaml


Thank you!
It’s all in knowing where to look!!
Much appreciated!

It’s hidden:

I have been told that Configuration Check is performed before the restart, but I haven’t been brave enough to test it.


There won’t be happening much. You get the orange notification badge and an error in the logs.

Totally missed that, thanks. Also good to know that they moved the entire section into developer tools.

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