Mobile App Notification action call (Android)

Evening everyone,

I have got an automation fired by a webhook which will contain a phone number. Is there anyway to get an actionable button to open the dialer app with the number? I have tried both action as “CALL” which seems to be ios specific and does nothing and URI which returns 404 not found.

Here is the code:

- id: "164"
  alias: New Request
  description: Send new request through to mobile
    - platform: webhook
      webhook_id: newrequest
    - service: notify.mobile_app_m
        message: >-
          Subject {{trigger.json.freshdesk_webhook.ticket_subject}} {{" \n "}}
          Caller {{trigger.json.freshdesk_webhook.ticket_contact_name}} {{" \n "}}
          Priority {{trigger.json.freshdesk_webhook.ticket_priority}}
        title: New Request
            - action: "URI"
              title: "Call Mob"
              uri: "tel:{{trigger.json.freshdesk_webhook.ticket_contact_mobile}}"
  mode: single

Anyone know a way of making it work?

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Hey Max,

I don’t know if it is still relevant for you, but I found a solution with the deep-link: URI.
You can dial a number by setting the uri option to deep-link://tel://<phonenumber>. So you just need to add deep-link:// to your configuration.

Hope I can still help with that!

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