I do have a Möhlenhoff Alpha 2 Basestation but (intentionally) no room control units.
To get the base unit to show rooms for the valves connected, I created virtual rooms which is a feature of the XML API to allow 3rd party room controllers.
I created an xml file create_virtual_device.xml
with below content to create a virtual room with id=1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
and sent the file to the base controller with curl using
curl -x POST -d @create_virtual_device.xml http://<HOSTNAME>/data/changes.xml
While setting the target temperature via the corresponding HA integration, a room controller would report the actual temperature of the room to the base unit regularily (API documentation mentiones to send within 10 minutes to prevent emergency mode).
Setting the actual temperature also works again using curl and below xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HEATAREA nr="1">
Now, while creating the room once via curl is okay, it would be great to get the integration to expose a corresponding temperature entity that will send it to the base station given an update of a HA temperature sensor.
While at it, it may also be useful to expose a read of the actual temperature which will e.g. give users of vendor room controllers an extra temperature entity.
I am skilled at python and willing to modify or test the integration. I have never tried writing an addon for HA and a jump-start into cloning the existing addon and providing the modified back to HA would be great.