[monitor] Reliable, Multi-User, Distributed Bluetooth Occupancy/Presence Detection

Also can I use it some way to trigger lights in a room? As in is it responsive enough for real-life usage?

I dont know what is the best but got a cheap one from aliexpress (~7$ round white) and it works great ( use the keys+phone with a min_max sensor on confidence - my phone sometimes disconnects when in bedroom on the far side of the house but keys are always detected in the ā€œlanding padā€).

Ordered some other cheap ones (one that looks like a tile tracker for 4$ and some really cheap ones at 1.5$ with a button o.O ) just to test so will update the thread when they come.

Using the beta branch too btw.

Room-assistant may be more for your use case https://github.com/mKeRix/room-assistant

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try beta branch

Thanks. Do they have a decent battery life?

i hope that at least a year - i use it for 2 months now so i can report back in a year or when it dies :wink:
Here is a handy application note for the beacon (CC2541) that calculates the expected lifetime to 400 days:

link to the beacon (wont win any style awards tho) : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/CC2640-1-8V-3-8V-Bluetooth-BLE-4-1-Wireless-Module-For-DOTT-iBeacon-Base-Station/32846400403.html?spm=a2g0s.13010208.99999999.339.45183c00VCB6Kj

EDIT to clarify - the calculation is for cc2541 but i use cc2640 that is suppose to be much more energy efficient.

Cool. Good to know. Will start getting the stuff I need.

p.s. What range do you get out of these things?

to be honest - no idea - didnā€™t measure it.
Keys are usually ~7m from the bt dongle used for scans. max i used is 10m with 1 wall.

Can you actually program them somehow that they only trigger if theyā€™re really close to the Pi zero?
I mean kind of want to use it for a door unlock within the house.
Range of maybe just 0.5-1m?

In Monitor, Is there a way I can get rssi/distance of iPhones as well in order to use only in very close proximity?

No, iPhones do not broadcast RSSI without connecting to them, which slows down detection for multi-device homes and single-device homes alike.

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Agreed the room-assistant might be better for @forums2012, but note that it does not have the ability to detect phones. Thatā€™s one of the main reasons I wrote this project in the first place.

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@andrewjfreyer Does the beta version work better on pi zeros? Iā€™m having the high load issue, but weird enough only on one of my pis.

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Thanks a lot for the info.
Loving it so far.
However kind of trying to figure out what all cool things I can do with it?

@andrewjfreyer, do you see any reason why a combination of Monitor (for phones) and Room Assistant (for ibeacons/BLE beacons) wouldnā€™t fly ? Even though Iā€™m very happy with Monitor (thanks!) in regards of phones, itā€™s still giving me quite some headache on beacons.

I can confirm the high load issue in a raspberry pi3 using the beta branch. After 4-5 hours running monitor.sh goes to 100% CPU load consistently:

top - 09:09:15 up 19 days, 17:30,  4 users,  load average: 1.02, 1.14, 1.31
Tasks: 180 total,   2 running, 175 sleeping,   0 stopped,   3 zombie
%Cpu(s): 25.5 us,  0.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 74.4 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :   947732 total,    97336 free,   446472 used,   403924 buff/cache
KiB Swap:   102396 total,        0 free,   102396 used.   412056 avail Mem

PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                             
4306 root      20   0    5304   2736   1948 R 100.0  0.3 365:22.43 bash                                                
13871 pi        20   0    8248   3224   2660 R   1.0  0.3   0:00.22 top    

monitor pids:

pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ ps aux | grep monitor
root      4220  0.0  0.3   7164  3276 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:00 sudo bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4224  0.0  0.3   5396  3216 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:35 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4304  0.0  0.2   5032  2176 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:01 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4305  0.0  0.2   5032  2188 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:07 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4306 35.0  0.2   5304  2736 pts/3    R+   Nov19 372:41 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4308  0.0  0.2   5032  2252 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:00 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4309  0.0  0.2   5032  2252 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:01 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root      4317  0.0  0.2   5032  1936 pts/3    S+   Nov19   0:00 bash monitor.sh -td -R
root     14116  0.0  0.1   5032  1688 pts/3    S+   09:16   0:00 bash monitor.sh -td -R

I canā€™t seem to find anything in the logs that hint to a problem. For instance, started monitor late evening and this morning was 100% again but the logs didā€™t show anything unusual:

0.1.732 09:45:19 PM [CMD-INFO]  **** Completed departure scan. **** 
0.1.732 11:18:49 PM [CHECK-DEL] PUBL/BEAC  [REDACTED]:67 expired after 109 seconds
0.1.732 11:54:24 PM [CHECK-DEL] PUBL/BEAC  [REDACTED]:4D expired after 108 seconds
0.1.732 03:05:46 AM [CHECK-DEL] PUBL/BEAC  [REDACTED]:46 expired after 96 seconds
0.1.732 08:33:53 AM [INSTRUCT] mqtt trigger arrive

Let me know if I can do anything to help test this further.

So my hack is just to restart it. Not ideal but hopefully it keeps it operational until a fix is available.

$ sudo crontab - e

Add this at the bottom. Restarting every hour might be overkill but I see no harm

55  *   *   *   * systemctl restart monitor.service
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Thanks @ryanrdetzel, I will do something similar to my crontab. I was reluctant as I didnā€™t know what would happen if a restart was done in the middle of an arrival or departure scanā€¦

If you donā€™t experience much problems I would prefer to add it to crontab rather than having my pi at 100% all the time.

You could have it restart when you think nobody is home or at night. I think worst case though it runs when it boots so it would still detect just a little delayed, if at all.

That sounds awesome. Would this also affect Known iPhones as well?

That way we could essentially decrease the range of a pi zero?