I’m curious about what the data looks like over the zwave-js-server websocket. I’ve read through the zwave-js-server documentation, but haven’t seen an example of how this could be done.
For example, can I use one of the Chrome Browser websocket extentions to connect and subscribe to events and watch the data? (I do have port 3000 exposed on the host) I could do this with HA’s integration disabled – i.e. with it disconnected from the server.
Or would I need to install the server with npm somewhere and use the included zwave-client?
Sorry, my experience with node is limited.
Besides just being curious (which is a good reason in itself) I’m interested how the integration then maps the z-wave events to entities.
The documentation you linked to shows an example of running the client CLI bundled with the zwave-js-server package. This tool would only show outgoing messages with no ability to send messages. You won’t see messages coming from other clients like HA.
For example, can I use one of the Chrome Browser websocket extentions to connect and subscribe to events and watch the data? (I do have port 3000 exposed on the host) I could do this with HA’s integration disabled – i.e. with it disconnected from the server.
I’m not familiar with that extension, but you would need the ability to send messages to establish a full connection (listen to events). That sequence is also describe in the same documentation. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@zwave-js/server#API
websocat is another option, it lets you send and receive WS commands from a CLI.
There’s no reason to disable the Z-Wave integration, the server accepts multiple clients.
Or would I need to install the server with npm somewhere and use the included zwave-client?
Yes, you can install the zwave-js-server package anywhere and run the client as indicated in the docs.
If you don’t need to send commands, the best option is to turn on the integration debug logs and the websocket messages from/to HA will be logged. Then just use HA to interact with the devices and you’ll see exactly what it’s doing.