Monitoring temperature, humidity in each room

I use HA mainly for monitoring my energy consumption, solar energy, wallbox, etc… since the NIKO HOME CONTROL interface doesn’t work anymore. (I hope this can be fixed soon)

And the Niko system supports only Easywave but that’s not compatible with anything.-, so I can’t integrate without the integration.

I also use the Weatherflow integration to turn on lights depending on the brightness outside.

Now I want to start monitoring all the rooms in the house, and I want to know what works the best ?
I already have an RFXCON 433Mhz receiver, that discovers the indoor temp sensor of my weather station.

What should I buy to monitor this?
Is it an option to buy a ZigBee stick? so I can add all kinds of other devices?
And what temp/humidity sensors should I buy? I would need about 12-13.


Definitely. Supported Adapters | Zigbee2MQTT

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Great, just what I was looking for, and what adapter gives the best performance, range, because, IF I need to buy one, I better choose the best one :slight_smile: ? As a beginner (no node-red, no ZigBee yet, but good with networking, Linux, databases, etc…), is it easy to install that zigbee2mqtt part?


Depends on you setup/knowledge. I use HA Container (with Portainer/docker-compose) and have installed Zigbee2mqtt as a separate stack. The MQTT integration of HA links both systems.

As an alternative, you could use the ZHA integration in HA directly.

In my experience Aqara WSDCGQ11LM/WSDCGQ12LM

And is it an option to use a network-based ZigBee gateway, so I can put this on a central spot? Or does the network device give additional issues above a USB device ?

I will be using the Home Assistant Blue (I managed to still order one, now I’m running an RPi3)

Zigbee is a mesh network, almost (every) member on mains is a router/repeater. Range is a matter of density.

And of course you could go the Z-wave route too… With some of those Z-Wave temperature & humidity sensor • aërQ • Aeotec ZWA009 for example.

And there we go :slight_smile: That’s why I asked, what is the most common/versatile to ad stuff later.
I’m kind of a gadget freak, so I’m sure I will come up with the most weird integrations, if it’s up to me :slight_smile:
But still, what would be the best Zigbee/Zwave interface to buy then.


For Z-wave, I’m using UZB , it did never let me down in two years…

BLE works also for monitoring temperature and humidity.

One of the best option is an LYWSD03MMC flashed with ATC firmware (easy Over the air flashing). You can read the data from a Pi or an ESP32.

it looks like these are sold out everywhere :frowning: