More filters in Settings -> Integrations

Settings → Integrations:
Currently only these filters are available:

Currently integrations could be of these types (sorry if wrong):

  1. Config entries may be added in UI only, no yaml-support (example - ASUSWRT).
  2. Config entries may be added in UI and yaml (yaml-entries are read-only) (example - Composite device tracker).
  3. Config entries are imported from yaml - w/o a possibility to add config entries in UI; it is possible to reload/enable/disable the integration in UI (example - Gismeteo).
  4. Config entries may be added in yaml only; impossible to reload/enable/disable the integration in UI (example - Netdata).

I would suggest to add more filters:

  • either simple categorization like “managed in UI” (types 1…3), “managed in yaml” (type 4);
  • or more complex categorization (not sure if this is needed).