More than one Google Home account

Can you tie more than one Google Home account to Home Assistant (cloud)?

Two of my kids have Google Home in their bedrooms with their own account they had setup way before I started moving everything I could to Home Assistant/Tasmota. Before they had tied in their Google Home with Smartlife and Philips Hue. Hue is still fine since I didn’t touch it per say but now that I’ve moved all of Smartlife to Tasmota (got tired of devices dropping for no reason), they can’t control their switches/lights with their Google Home anymore.

I do have Nabu Casa since I also have (one) Alexa account. So can I tie more than one Google Home account to Home Assistant (cloud)?


Hmm, the lack of response isn’t reassuring. I gather it can’t be done? :frowning:

In Google Home, you can invite other people to your home, which then allows them to control the same stuff as you, in your home.

My wife and I both have Google home accounts. Instead of getting my wife to add HA service, I invited her into my Home (lol). Just like Homekit, I am controlling room assignments and grouping, her app then shows exactly as my app.

The “If you want to allow other household users to control the devices” in Google Assistant integration page shows you how to do exactly what you asked. But IMHO inviting people into your Google Home is better.

I’ve set up Google the long way. I’ve tried getting her to setup HA account on her Google account. But she has to do same room assignments and all the setup. I change anything, she has to do the whole setup again. A complete waste of time IMHO.

Thanks for the reply. This seems to be what I was looking for indeed.

I have a question that could be stupid but not having a Google Home myself, I don’t know until I ask :slight_smile: Do you need a Google Home to set this up or can I simply use my Google account that I use on my Pixel phone (ie,Google Assistant)?

All Google accounts will work for Google Home. :slight_smile: